
Monday, September 12, 2011

Lawyers help Muslims to convert to Christianity

Lawyers help Muslims to convert to Christianity

Senior EXCO, Teresa Kok (circled red), who exerted considerable influence on the policies of the Selangor Menteri Besar and is seen as the mastermind behind Christianisation initiatives in Selangor.

Human rights lawyer at the Bar Council tweeted that he, too, was involved in the apostasy case, which has turned into a controversy when the Selangor Religious Islamic Affairs Department (JAIS) conducted ‘Ops Akidah’ at the Dream Centre, Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) on August 3.

In a twitter message dated August 4, a day after the incident happened, he wrote, “Will try to negotiate with the Selangor government not to oppose our clients right to leave Islam, but it is as if JAIS/MAIS are not under the state government,”

The twitter message was brought to light by blogger Helen Ang in her article, “Maybe it is true some wanted to be apostates.”

The blogger alleged Edmund’s tweet showed he was involved in legal efforts to apostasise the Muslims concerned when he admitted he would negotiate with the Selangor state government so that it would not oppose the rights of his clients to renounce Islam.

Panel moderator Helen Ang at the BUM 2010 forum

“Who is the client referred by Edmund Bon, and was his tweet message related to the 12 Malays questioned by JAIS?” asked the blogger.

According to her, based on the incident there was solid ground for JAIS to launch a check on the premises as it was aimed at ascertaining if there was any truth in allegations that there were Muslims in the programme, and if there were, what was their purpose in being present at a Christian event?

As far as she could see the action taken by JAIS to investigate the presence of Muslims at the premises did not mean the Islamic religious authorities did not allow Muslims to mix with Christians in the alleged charity multiracial dinner, but to find out if it was true the programme was organised as part of efforts to apostasise Muslims.

She said Edmund Bon was once Chairman the Constitutional Law Committee and the Human Rights Committee of the Bar Council. He was also among the founders of the ‘Loyar Burok People Centre.’

According to records Edmund Bon was one of the lawyers in Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s defence team when Haji Sulaiman Abdullah was heading it.

Edmund Bon is also a colleague of lawyer Annou Xavier who is representing the DUMC.

This has been confirmed by the pro Anwar news portal, Malaysiakini, which reported that Annou Xavier was a lawyer for DUMC’s Dream Centre.

Read in detail on AIDC here

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