
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Belia jadilah Pencatur Bukan Di Caturkan !

Belia jadilah Pencatur Bukan Di Caturkan !
Islam dan Vigil ?

Sosialis mana mamat ni?
Pelajar UIA memang memalukan negara bangsa. Pelajar yang bernaung dibawah nama Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia menjadi seperti pejuang komunis di benua Eropah. Universiti Islam Antarabangsa UIA satu nama yang cukup baik kini tercemar dengan sikap pelajar berhaluan kiri. Lebih memalukan apabila berlaku VIGIL yang ternyata bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam.

GOMBAK, Oct 26 — International Islamic University of Malaysia (UIA) students held a protest last night that drew just 40 after one participating student group pulled out. Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia’s (SMM) chairman Ahmad Syukri Abdul Razab said the UIA student group We Unite For Islam (WUFI) withdrew at the last minute over disagreements on how to carry out the protest for academic freedom. “We respect their stand as they are all still active students at UIA,” he told The Malaysian Insider. He said SMM had expected around 500 protesters to join them at UIA’s Gombak campus here, matching the turnout for a similar protest organised by the student rights group last week. Protesters began with a candlelight vigil outside the campus mosque at around 9.00pm before marching to within 200m of the main hall, where they were met by about a dozen members of campus security. SMM had earlier agreed with university authorities they would go no closer to the hall where Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein was attending the Prime Minister’s Cup Debate competition. Hishammuddin had taken the place of Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who cancelled his appearance soon after SMM announced their intention to greet the prime minister at UIA with a protest. Protesters then moved outside campus gates where they flashed placards that read “Students demand academic freedom” and “Free universities from the grip of politics” at passing vehicles, some of whom honked in support. The protest ended soon after at about 10.10pm. “This movement will go on and on until freedom is given to academics and students,” Ahmad Syukry told reporters afterwards. He said the protest was not only about UIA don Prof Dr Abdul Aziz Bari, who is now being investigated by the university for remarks he made about the Selangor Sultan, but about how far government will go to respect academic freedom. Despite the low turnout, Ahmad Syukri called last night’s protest a success as SMM was able to hand a memorandum of demands to Hishammuddin via the UIA student union before the march began. He warned that SMM would go ahead with its rally next month if UIA did not drop its probe into Aziz’s alleged offence against the Sultan. Electoral reform group Bersih, which lent its weight to the anti-Lynas movement earlier this month, had agreed to join the rally, he added. UIA suspended Aziz last week after he questioned remarks made by the Selangor Sultan in connection with the raid on Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) in August. The constitutional expert’s statement caused a furore among Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs in Parliament, who urged that action be taken against the don. The outspoken academic chose not to apologise for his remarks even after a police report was lodged against him, insisting he had not meant to challenge the Sultan. Aziz said he was fulfilling his role as an academic when he said earlier this month that the Sultan had intervened in an “unusual and inconsistent” manner over the church raid.

pejuangmelaka - Tiada ajaran Islam yang menyalakan lilin untuk melakukan demonstrasi. Ingatlah pesan rasulullah barangsiapa mengikuti sesuatu kaum maka dia akan menyerupai kaum tersebut. Bangkitlah Melayu memperjuangkan Agama , Bangsa dan Tanah Air ..

Salam Perjuangan !  

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